It is Mushrooms thie week.
It was published as being last week, and I got a fright, thinking I had over slept for a week !!!
So, the Gnome came out of the digi stamp box. Well, gnomes do live under mushrooms don't they? I painted the background, then pressed bubble wrop into the gold and green.
I found bells, in the box of charms, I have collected over the years, from Alexander Palace stamp shows.
OOoooh I like the bubble wrap idea fab work x
this is so cute Barbara
I love how you painted the bg and did the bubble wrap. One day, I am going to learn to paint! I love how you are addicted to Octopodes like me although you seem to have had the addiction much longer than me. LOL!
Great work of art!! Looks so cool :)
hi barb
you are the winning entry for TOFF could you email me with your choice of digi.
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