Friday, 2 March 2012

Octopode Factory Friday challenge

The Octopode Factory Friday Challenge Blog

It is Mushrooms thie week.
It was published as being last week, and I got a fright, thinking I had over slept for a week !!!

So, the Gnome came out of the digi stamp box.  Well, gnomes do live under mushrooms don't they?  I painted the background, then pressed bubble wrop into the gold and green.
I found bells, in the box of charms, I have collected over the years, from Alexander Palace stamp shows.


Fuchsia said...

OOoooh I like the bubble wrap idea fab work x

Mandy Chilvers said...

this is so cute Barbara

nwilliams6 said...

I love how you painted the bg and did the bubble wrap. One day, I am going to learn to paint! I love how you are addicted to Octopodes like me although you seem to have had the addiction much longer than me. LOL!

Dawn @ LilyPinkScraps said...

Great work of art!! Looks so cool :)

The Octopode Factory said...

hi barb
you are the winning entry for TOFF could you email me with your choice of digi.

This is an ATC which means an Artists Trading Card where people from all over swap these little cards. They measure 2 1/2ins by 3 1/2 ins and they cannot be bought.